After we cleared everything off it was time to begin the cutting and dryfitting. The plan was to use wood glue and screws from underneath...and where that wasn't possible we would add a bracket.

Test fiting of the top. We ended up just using wood glue alone. Screws would be tricky to place and the bracket was actualy not square enough to place the pieces flush.

Dry fitting the center edge where two edges are flush. So far nothing has been glued down.

And so it begins. I really wish we had more clamps. Still weights and tape work well in strategic places.

We had to custom fit the gap pieces. This took forever. Notice the tape we kept on even after the weights were removed.

close up of the gap piece after the custom fit. Not too shabby....but not glued down yet.

one end done minus the tops. We left clamp weights and tape on for at least an hour, and decided to not sand and varnish till the next weekend.

Our perfectionist tries a different gap piece. Nothing will fit absolutley perfect, so just a touch of putty along the edges will seal it tight before the varnish.

Xbox makes good weights...so do weights.

3 of 10 done. The leaf parts were done last and unfortunatly we didn't grab any pics of that.

Top is glued. We tried to cut the top pieces to fit but left some wiggle room on a few that didnt seem to fit right. The plan is to wait a week and sand them down flat before finishing.

All but the leaf is done. We were just short of wood for the final two pieces so we had to take an emergency trip to Home Depot.