The Scrying Chain

Welcome to ye Scrying Chain, Luthien's finest bar and inn. Travelers from SouthPort to Cutter's Camp make the Scrying Chain their first stop for good foods and refreshing drink in Luthien. Be sure to stop by every Tuesday when the best players from Luthien gather to... shell peanuts... in a high... energy... contest.... yeah.

Shelling Nuts.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Take a Look

Here is the jpeg of the illustrator file that I've done for this dungeon, Frozen Monestary, as of last adventure. It should look quite similar to what our buddy John who did a similar thing with the tile layout. This map doesn't do the original illustrator file any justice, but blogger wouldn't let me upload an ai or eps file. Viewing this as a jpeg blows, but it is definately printable and it looks a little better printed.
This maps shows what we have ventured into so far, which included the 2 rooms that lead up to smaller rooms and this shows locations of where we had fights or some sort of encounterment. As you can probably tell, there are a couple doors that were opened/closed and places that aren't visible where our adventures haven't seen yet.


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